Search for: [Subject and Keywords = 20 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Jóźwik, Zbigniew] OR [Subject and Keywords = grafika polska] OR [Subject and Keywords = ekslibris] OR [Subject and Keywords = figury geometryczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = znaki graficzne] OR [Subject and Keywords = nuty] OR [Subject and Keywords = płyta gramofonowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = liternictwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = wyobraźnia] OR [Subject and Keywords = Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Marii Curie \- Skłodowskiej] OR [Subject and Keywords = Lublin] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bartok, Bela \(1881\-1945\)] OR [Title = Ex musicis Biblioteki Głównej UMCS w Lublinie] OR [Creator = Jóźwik, Zbigniew \(1937\- \)]