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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = fotografia] OR [Subject and Keywords = 19 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = osiedle Żelechowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = dzielnica Północ] OR [Subject and Keywords = kaplica pogrzebowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = Züllchow] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kościół rzymskokatolicki Pw. Matki Boskiej Ostrobramskiej] OR [Subject and Keywords = ulica Ułańska] OR [Subject and Keywords = Mittelweg] OR [Subject and Keywords = Cmentarz Drzetowski] OR [Subject and Keywords = Szczecin] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bredower Friedhof] OR [Subject and Keywords = Szczecin\-Żelechowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = Stettin] OR [Subject and Keywords = województwo zachodniopomorskie] OR [Title = \[Szczecin, brama kaplicy pogrzebowej Cmentarza Drzetowskiego w Żelechowej\]] OR [Creator = Kasper, F\[ranz\]]

Number of results: 29 674

items per page

Kasper, F[ranz]

[ante 1912]
karta pocztowa

Baloń, Ryszard (1944- )


Bachmann Moellendorf

[przed 1901]

Wilhelm Kreis

[ante 1930]
karta pocztowa


[ante 1898]
karta pocztowa

Kasper, F[ranz] Matthaeu, A[Alexander]


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