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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = zaproszenie] OR [Subject and Keywords = druk szkolny] OR [Subject and Keywords = 18 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = ćwiczenie retoryczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = Szkoła Miejska] OR [Subject and Keywords = Szczecin] OR [Title = Dritte Einladungsschrift von der Oratorischen Folge] OR [Creator = Ratsschule \(Szczecin\)]

Number of results: 29 173

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Ratsschule (Szczecin) Büttner, Christoph Andreas (1708-1774)

stary druk

Ratsschule (Szczecin) Büttner, Christoph Andreas (1708-1774)

stary druk

Ratsschule (Szczecin) Büttner, Christoph Andreas (1708-1774)

stary druk

Pedagogium Szczecińskie König, Ernst (1635-1698)

stary druk

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