Search for: [Subject and Keywords = ćwiczenie retoryczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = mowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = teologia] OR [Subject and Keywords = upadek człowieka] OR [Subject and Keywords = Pedagogium Książęce] OR [Subject and Keywords = 17 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = druk szkolny] OR [Subject and Keywords = Szczecin] OR [Title = Oratio hominis eximiam praestantiam, et dignitatem, in primis in statu ante lapsum enarrans\; quam approbante viro \[...\] M. Martino Leuschnero Rectore \[...\] in \[...\] Paedagogio Sedinensi Professore \[...\] publice in frequenti auscultantium corona] OR [Creator = Sibellius, Samuel]