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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Fryderyk Wilhelm \(elektor brandenburski \; 1620\-1688\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = chłopi] OR [Subject and Keywords = owczarz] OR [Subject and Keywords = Pomorze Tylne] OR [Subject and Keywords = Księstwo Kamieńskie] OR [Subject and Keywords = czeladź] OR [Subject and Keywords = 17 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = zarządzenie pruskie] OR [Subject and Keywords = 18 w.] OR [Title = Churfürstliche Brandenburgische Gesinde\- und in etzlichen Puncten revidirte Bauer\- und Schäffer\-Ordnung im Hertzogthumb Hinter\-Pommern, und Fürstenthumb Cammin \: Stargardt, den 18ten December, Anno 1670 \[...\]] OR [Creator = Pomorze Pruskie]

Number of results: 4 669

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